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Economic Warfare: the use of, or the threat to use, economic means against a country, it's companies and industries in order to weaken its economy and thereby reduce its political and military power


A perfect storm is forming and you're either sailing into it or around it. No industry or company, large or small, is immune from systematic and constant attacks by other countries. The new competitive landscape pits companies against nation-states as direct competitors Cyber gets the bulk of the attention but it's only one of four methods used to support the relentless attacks on your organization. They are often used simultaneously and any company with registered intellectual property, a proprietary product or process can, and likely will be a target of a multi-faceted attack. Any trade secret is ripe for the taking by those who wish to illegally obtain your innovative products to increase their market share at your organization's expense.


If you can't answer the questions below, your organization is at economic and shareholder risk.  

Asymmetric National Competitive Strategies
  • Would you know if a fire in Shanghai put your organization at imminent risk of economic espionage? Click here - it did for 1 company!


  • Do you know if your I.P. rights will remain intact or secure if you comply with China's technology review? Details here!


  • Do you know which countries are investing billions to develop products like yours or are developing a parallel industry? Details here


  • Do you know which countries have procurement policies favor their innovation, products and technical standards? Overview here


  • Do you understand how countries are using "lawfare" strategies designed to curtail your success in their region? Details here


  • Do you have a strategy to ensure your supply chain doesn't accidentally hand your innovation to competitive nations? ​Read here



  • Do you know which countries anti espionage laws can be used to arrest your employees, seize your facilities, and I.P. because they want to "absorb and assimilate" foreign intellectual property? Details here


  • Do you have a personnel and security policy in place to ensure your employees work for you and not another government? Given their employee status they either have, or are in a perfect position, to get insider access to your most sensitive information. See why

These questions are all based on actual scenarios that have put organizations of all sizes at significant risk. Some went out of business, others had to drop their prices by as much as 50%, and others were banned from the countries where they had spent millions developing markets. Yet the vast majority of organizations can't answer these questions and thus, can't defend against them.  Only a handful have anyone on staff to address most of them. For those tempted to think protecting against cyber intrusions is all you need, we'll say this. You don't understand the problem.


Organizations that can't, or don't adapt to these realities and respond with agility should be planning their exit strategies. We know! We worked for a multi-national corporation that was attacked by multiple governments, in multiple ways, and have seen these threats unfold in real time. We've seen the effects on business strategies, engineering, product development, marketing, operations, and of course, the bottom line. That firm could afford to work their way through those issues - can you?

Standards Policy Provides You With Actionable Intelligence!

We connect the dots between seemingly isolated events around the world and identify how they could become very real threats to your business. We speak MBA, quickly identify risk, and work with you to develop strategies to inoculate your organization and get results!  


Give us a call at 425-996-2787 and let us review your industry or product space. We do not charge for initial consults. You may be surprised how quickly we can identify areas of significant risk to your business!

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